Search Engine Optimization Training & Courses
Search engine optimization has always been a hard art/science to learn, so many conflicting views on what's important and the best way to do it, previously only self taught there are now a variety of SEO training courses.
Whether SEO be an art or science, getting clear direction on how you should structure your SEO campaign and what areas you need to focus on to gain maximum search traffic has always been a challenge.
A traditional SEO course should cover the following optimization practices:
Learn the basics of how the major search engines work
How to write well written, visitor focused content for your website
SEO keyword research best practices
Learn how to optimize every aspect of your website, including:
Title Tag, Meta Tag Description, H1 Tag, URL Structure, Content Optimization, XML Sitemap creation
SEO case study examples of successful SEO campaigns
How to measure the ROI and success of your SEO efforts
and much more ...
Your SEO training course should guide you through the more important on and off-page optimization elements, giving you real live examples at the same time walking you through the valuable free and paid SEO tools.
Training courses can be held either face to face in a classroom environment or online via correspondence.
Suggested SEO Courses - Face to face SEO and PPC courses - Subscription based online SEO courses - Face to face classroom SEO training (1 day and 3 day courses)
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Free Search Engine Optimization Training & Courses